Title Sponsor
Stanley J Bushman
"In honor of the hard working and dedicated staff and volunteers at KCSC"
Rusty Ryan
"In Memory of Nancy W. Ryan"
Utopia Entertainment
Chef Kansas City
Country Club Bank
KCSC Board of Directors
Lexington Plumbing
Nicholas Clark
Perfect Output
The Stueck Family Foundation
University Health
Richard Ballentine - "In Honor of Emily Kerr Ballentine"
Bert Bates
Bert Berkley
Greg & Sally Davis
Michael Dodd
Joseph Fahey
Sally Firestone
SuEllen Fried
Lisa Gioia CPA
Terri Goddard
Barnett & Shirley Helzberg
Greg & Nancy Lear
Lisa & Torre Nigro
Jamie Nottberg
David Oliver
Steven Rinne & Barb Mueth
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City
BOK Financial
Creative Planning
IBEW 124 - "In Honor of Joe Runions"
Scratch Gourmet
Sunflower Development Group
Baker Family - "In Honor of Greg Baker"
Gary Cortes
Don Dagenais
William & Marianne Dunn
Linda Endecott
Carla Grant
Benny Lee
John & Rudena Mallory
Susan McGreevy
Denise McNerney
Rand & Susan Mikulecky
Dennis & Palle Rilinger
Marjorie Roberts
David Ross
Commerce Bank
Kingswood Senior Living
Lathrop GPM
US Engineering
Wellner Architects